Oh yes you can! The coolest site on the web, as far as patterns go, is You Can Make This---also known as YCMT. The money I have spent over there this week isn't to be shared with the hubby. But just think of all the money that I am saving by MAKING Lillian's clothes rather than BUYING them.

The fabric you see here is a work in progress How to Make a Peasant Top. It's just the top--not the corset. In order to complete this top, I had to learn a bit about shirring. There's a great instructions included in the pattern but more can be found in this tutorial on one of my new favorite blogs: Portabello Pixie. We'll save that for another post but I'll let you know how the shirt turns
You are the second person to mention You Can Make This. I think I will have to head over there and Make something.
Looked at their site the other day...would love to know if the patterns are easy and worth the money! Can't wait to see what you do...you have such adorable projects, already!
I'm going to have to check this out. Thanks for sharing!
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