I mean, seriously, I really am. I've been having a blast this month sewing up eight outfits for the sweetest little kiddos. My only regret is that none of them were for my Lil. Three of the eight were reversible and I'm dying to throw something in the mix for Lillian but there's that whole time thing. Thanks so much to everyone for keeping me busy doing what I love to do. For those of you who do not know me, I work full time during the day and get a few hours of sewing time in at night after the little one is tucked in tight. It's a challenge to find the time to blog, post photos on Flickr, list items on Etsy, create new appliques, sew and be a mommy and wife but hopefully I'm succeeding at each of them. The blog suffers the most, I know.
Anyway, here's a couple of photos of the outfits. Okay, I know you can't really see the dresses in these photos but Lil was hamming it up for the camera and I had to include them. Just click on the photo and it will take you to my Flickr if you want to see more. The green seersucker with applique reverses to the blue seersucker with the octopus. The swing top is a Simplicity pattern and the A-Line dress is from my favorite lady (Carla C) over at